About Me

Hey people! The name is Al- I’ve been struggling with depression/anxiety for as long as I can remember. To combat these feelings, I turned to drugs/alcohol from the age of 13 years old. I searched for a bigger and better chemical fix as time progressed until I found my favorite: Heroin. Actually, I preferred to do cocaine and heroin together, but heroin was always a constant in my life. Every day was spent doing, searching for, or withdrawing from this disgusting grey powder. I hid it from everyone I knew, even though that never really worked. I tried and tried to quit on my own. I would make excuses for the horrible dope sickness I would suffer from for days. But then, two weeks later, I would go right back to it.

I wanted to kill myself most days. I ultimately realized that I could not conquer this by myself. In Graduate school, I met a girl who would change my life. She was kind and gentle enough to have me open up to her. She suggested talking to my mother about it, and I did. It was very emotional, but the best thing I ever did. Eventually, I joined AA, got a sponsor, and enrolled in an Intensive Outpatient Program. These, along with help from my mom, allowed me to say goodbye to heroin forever! The last time I used was June 4th, 2016, and I am determined to keep it that way! One day at a time…